Diagnosis Result
Item Level Result Explanation/Suggestion
XCache extension Error Not loaded Add extension=xcache.so (or xcache.dll) in /opt/cpanel/ea-php82/root/etc/php.ini (See above)
Enabling PHP Cacher Skipped XCache not loaded
PHP Compile Time Error Skipped XCache not loaded
Busy Compiling Skipped XCache not loaded
Enabling VAR Cacher Skipped XCache not loaded
Cache Size Skipped XCache not loaded
Hash Slots Skipped XCache not loaded
Cache Status Skipped XCache not loaded
Coredump Directory Skipped XCache not loaded
Readonly Protection Skipped XCache not loaded
XCache modules Skipped XCache not loaded
XCache test setting Skipped XCache not loaded
PHP Version Info OK. Looks good
Extension Compatibility Info the ionCube PHP Loader loaded Compatibility with this the ionCube PHp Loader' is taken care of; But in case if there's any problem, report to ionCube team and/or XCache devs
Extension Compatibility Info OK. Looks good
SAPI Compatibility Info OK. Looks good